Question Topic
Marble Floor Restore Color

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Marble Floors, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about marble floor restore color.

just sanded all the marble floor but we seem to be having problems getting it back to the original look its drying white weve treated it with colour enhancer but still its drying white were weve sanded any suggestions.

Dear Mike:
Its very difficult to diagnose the problem you are having with your marble without seeing the exact type of marble that you have, examining the colour enhancer that you used, and looking at what type of sanding pad that you used to do the sanding.
I would suggest that you contact a local marble restoration company who can come out and look at your particular situation.

what does honing a marble floor mean and what machinary do youuse

Dear Mike:
Honing a marble finish is similar to polishing, in that it is a final finishing operation done to create a smooth surface finish using abrasive stones or pads. This process differs from polishing in that it does NOT leave a high shine, instead, a honed marble leaves your marble with a smooth matt/hone finish. Here is a photo showing the difference between a honed and a polished marble surface:
If your marble surface has scratches, stains, watermarks, or signs of wear, you would need to have it honed rather than just polished. And if the condition of your marble is bad, then you will likely need a professional to do it.
A honed finish helps your stone floors to be less prone to scratches and foot traffic. It also shows less grime than a polished floor, and therefore it requires a lot less cleaning. The greater the shine desired, the greater the resources required to keep it that way. Honing your marble floor surfaces can be a great way to reduce the routine maintenance needed. But keep in mind that it will not look the same as a polished surface.
Here is a picture of a machine for finishing marble floors:
This floor finishing machine could be used for honing or polishing, and the difference is the diamond grit that is used on the spinning pads.
Hope this is helpful.