Sump Pump
Routine Care Task
Check operation and clear strainer screen
This task ensures proper operation of sump pump, which reduces risk of serious water damage.
Timing: October (yearly)
NOTE: The tasks and timings shown here for your Sump Pump are based on a single-family home located in Massachusetts with a default set of home care goals and priorities.
If you setup your Home-Wizard personal home manager for a different location with different home care goals, your recommended home care program can have different tasks and timings for your {home feature}.
How To

Check the inlet suction screen to be sure it is not blocked or plugged with debris. Clean out as necessary.
To check operation of the sump pump motor, pour water into the drain area and see if the motor turns on when the float rises with the water level. Repair as necessary.
Helpful Accessories

Alarm sounds for up to 72 hours with direct water contact
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Water leak monitoring and alarm system accessible in a web browser
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Protects against paint spatter, water, dust, wind and dirt
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A heavy-duty duct tape is designed for long-term, permanent, exterior repairs
consumer reviews, choices, prices
The benefits of this task are high, in that it helps to prevent very costly water damage, especially if you have a finished basement.
Avoiding Unscheduled Repairs
Health & Safety
Maintaining Value
The cost of this task is low from an investment of time standpoint, as once you have done it the first time, it is much easier the next. It should only take about 30 minutes to complete.